
Attendance is taken each class period every day.  Each time a student is not in class or is tardy by more than 10 minutes, it counts as an absence for that class.  Parents must provide a written note or doctor’s excuse for each absence.  ALL absences will be recorded as Unexcused unless a signed note is received from the student’s parent or guardian within three days of the absence.  The date(s) of the absence(s) and the reason must be included in the note.  All notes should be delivered to the Attendance Clerk in the Principal’s office.  

According to Texas Public Attendance Law, once a student has missed ten school days all future absences may be unexcused, unless a doctor’s note is provided.  3 absences in a four-week period will generate a note and a warning about truancy; 10 absences in a 6-month period will require the school to file charges for failure to attend school or for parent contributing to non-attendance.  It is the parent’s responsibility to monitor their child’s attendance and require the student to attend school. 

We can accept up to 10 handwritten parent notes per school year.  After that, we need doctor/dentist notes to excuse absences.  For questions about attendance, please call 325-947-3871 to contact At-Risk Coordinator Porfirio Flores, ext. 117 or  Attendance Clerk Monica Balderas, ext. 106.